Kuopion kansalaisopisto, Puistokatu 20, Kuopio, pysäköinti, Punaruskeatiilinen Puistokartanon kaksikerroksinen rakennus. Ihminen kävelee pääovelta puistoon päin. Koivut reunustavat puistotietä. Vasemmalla kolme valkoista puistonpenkkiä.

What are Adult Education Centres?

Finland’s Adult Education Centres are educational establishments that welcome all prospective learners and offer opportunities for a wide variety of recreational activities and study. Learning is largely self-motivated and, as a rule, not aimed at achieving a formal qualification.
Read more https://kansalaisopistot.fi
About Adult Education Centres in different languages  https://kansalaisopistot.fi/kielet

Kuopio Adult Education Centre

We in Kuopio Adult Education Centre (Kuopion kansalaisopisto) offer in our online store over two thousand courses each year where students can learn new skills or continue to study subjects that they enjoy. Anyone who wishes to come may sign up for our courses. We do not require tests to take our courses. Attendance is always voluntary.

Our main building, Puistokartano, is located downtown Kuopio, Puistokatu 20 and has modern classrooms and equipment. We have a fully equipped kitchen for our cooking courses, looms for our weaving courses, a gymnasium for our dance and exercise courses, large studios for our art classes, a language lab for our language courses and more.

If you have any questions, please do contact our Customer Service Desk in Puistokartano

  • Address Puistokatu 20, 70110 Kuopio
  • Opening hours for Customer Service Desk tue 10–14, wed 12–17.30
  • Phone 017 184 711, tue and thu 10–14, wed 12–17.30
  • Email kansalaisopisto.asiakaspalvelu@kuopio.fi

We have courses in many different subjects for

  • adults
  • children
  • teens
  • seniors
  • children with adult
  • immigrants
    • further information Johanna Jussila
    • phone 044 718 4714
    • email johanna.jussila(at)kuopio.fi

Most of our courses meet for twelve sessions each semester. Our courses are offered year-round, and classes are held in the daytime, evening and even on the weekends.

There are over 150 different sites where we hold classes in the city of Kuopio and its surrounding towns.

Our departments, districts are

What to study at Kuopio Adult Education Centre

  • People, Environment and Society (Ihminen, ympäristö ja yhteiskunta)
    Explore the dynamic interplay between individuals, the environment, and society through engaging discussions and activities.
  • Communication Skills, Drama and Literature (Ilmaisutaito ja kirjallisuus)
    Enhance your expressive abilities through drama, literature, and communication exercises, fostering creativity and self-confidence.
  • Languages (Kielet)
    Embark on a journey of linguistic discovery with our diverse language courses, tailored to learners of all levels. Finnish Master the Finnish language with expert instruction, enabling effective communication and integration into Finnish society.
  • Visual Arts (Kuvataide)
    Unleash your creativity and imagination through various visual art mediums, from painting and drawing to sculpture and digital art.
  • Cooking and Home Economics (Kotitalous)
    Delight in the culinary arts and hone your home management skills with our cooking and home economics courses.
  • Handicrafts (Käsityö)
    Discover the joy of crafting with our handicraft courses, where you can learn traditional and contemporary techniques to create unique handmade items.
  • Children and Teens (Lapset ja nuoret)
    Nurture your child’s talents and interests through our engaging courses designed specifically for children and teens. Värikäs Art School (Kuvataidekoulu Värikäs). Foster artistic expression and skill development in children and youth through specialized art education programs. Taituri Handicraft School (Käsityökoulu Taituri). Cultivate craftsmanship and creativity in children and youth through hands-on handicraft education.
  • Physical Exercise (Liikunta)
    Promote health and well-being with our diverse range of physical exercise classes, catering to all fitness levels and interests.
  • Music (Musiikki)
    Discover the joy of music-making through instrumental and vocal instruction, ensemble participation, and music appreciation courses.
  • Dance (Tanssi)
    Move to the rhythm and express yourself through various dance styles, from ballet and contemporary to salsa and hip-hop.
  • Health and Wellbeing (Terveys ja hyvinvointi)
    Prioritize self-care and wellness with our courses focusing on nutrition, stress management, mindfulness, and holistic health practices.
  • Information Technology (Tietotekniikka)
    Enhance your digital literacy and computer skills with our practical and accessible IT courses.
  • Courses in foreign-language (other than in Finnish)
    Immerse yourself in a new language and culture with our diverse selection of foreign language courses.
  • Online courses (Verkkokurssit)
    Access flexible and convenient learning opportunities from anywhere with our online courses covering a wide range of subjects.
  • Public Lectures (Yleisöluennot)
    Expand your knowledge and horizons through thought-provoking lectures delivered by experts in various fields.
  • Events and Exhibitions (Tapahtumat ja näyttelyt)
    Immerse yourself in cultural experiences and community events, including exhibitions, performances, and special presentations.

How to register for courses at Kuopio Adult Education Centre

You can register in our online store. Online registration is only available in Finnish. However, Kansalaisopisto’s Customer Service can be contacted by phone and email in English. English can also be used at the customer service desk located on the first floor of the school in Puistokartano.

Registration video for courses at Kuopio Adult Education Centre

On this video you can orientate yourself with registration and cancellation for courses.

  • You can register for both autumn and spring courses at the same time.
  • If you need help finding the right course or course level, course planners can be contacted in English.
  • If the course is full, you can register to be put on a waiting list.
  • When registering by phone or at the school’s customer service desk, you can choose whether to pay for the course with a paper invoice or via an e-mail link.
  • Students must register for a course themselves; teachers cannot register students for a course.

More information about Registration and Cancellation in English here.

Opening Times of the Customer Service Desk

Share your course suggestions or give us feedback

  • We collect course ideas and feedback regarding our operations, teaching, and organization throughout the year.
  • All kinds of feedback and requests are welcome.
  • You can share your ideas and provide feedback via email (kansalaisopisto@kuopio.fi) or online by filling out the form accessible through the link below.
  • You can also express your preferences and feedback to customer service, teachers, or college contact persons.
  • There is also a feedback box available at Puistokartano.

Share your course suggestions or give us feedback

The location of Puistokartano, our main building.

Hamza talks about Finnish courses in English and in Arabic.

Read more about studying languages at Kuopio Adult Education Centre (text is in Finnish).

Kuopion kansalaisopisto. Kaksi maahanmuuttajataustaista naista ja kaksi maahanmuuttajataustaista miestä luokassa pöydän ääressä. Heillä on edessään oppikirjoja.
Kuopio Adult Education Centre. Viisi nuorta esittelee tekemiään käsinukkeja. He ovat kädentaitojen luokassa.
Kuopio Adult Education Centre. Kaksi ulkomaalaista miesopiskelijaa ja heidän opettajansa luokassa.
Kuopio Adult Education Centre. Viisi nuorta ulkomaalaista miesopiskelijaa. Ryhmäkuva otettu luokassa.
Kuopio Adult Education Centre. Kaksi ulkomaalaistaustaista henkilöä Kuopion kansalaisopiston opetuskeittiössä.